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Stuvia Review - Set Your Own Price to Sell Your College Notes


Stuvia Review

It’s not a secret that college is expensive. As a student, it can be a challenge to make room in your schedule for a part-time job that collides with a heavy course load. One opportunity is to turn your diligent notetaking skills into an income stream.

That’s right! Some companies will pay you for your class notes. Stuvia is one platform that will pay you for your class notes.

If you are looking for a way to turn a profit from your coursework, Stuvia may be able to help. In this review, we will take a closer look at how Stuvia works.

Stuvia Review

Quick Summary

  • You can earn money from your study materials when you post them to Stuvia.
  • Stuvia offers a commission on the sale price when someone buys your study materials.
  • Stuvia paid out $3 million to sellers in 2022.

Stuvia Details

Product Name



Online Marketplace For Course Notes

Average Author Pay

$76 a Month

Average Earning Per Sale: $4

Average Documents Sold Each Month




Table of Contents
What Is Stuvia?
What Does It Offer?
Are There Any Fees?
How Do I Contact Stuvia?
How Does Stuvia Compare?
How Do I Open An Account?
Is It Safe And Secure?
Is It Worth It?
Stuvia Features

What Is Stuvia?

Stuvia is an online platform that helps students track down the educational materials they are looking for. Through the platform, students can post study materials, which other students can purchase.

As of writing, Stuvia is available in 127 countries. In 2022, the company paid out $3 million to sellers and received over 750,000 documents for sale.

What Does It Offer?

The core of Stuvia’s offering is a marketplace that connects students buying and selling study materials. As a student looking for help on a subject, Stuvia can be a treasure trove of resources. Stuvia helps students seeking education resources find the tools they need for success.

But all of those resources have to come from somewhere, and Stuvia gets them directly from students like yourself. In exchange for posting study materials, students receive a share of the profits they bring in.

In this review, we explore the features offered to student sellers on Stuvia.

Stuvia review: find study resources

Free To Post Study Material

As a student, it’s completely free to set up a seller account. When your Stuvia account is set up, you can post any number of study materials for free. According to the company, all written study documents can be posted.

Allowable documents include:

  • Summaries
  • College notes
  • Assignments
  • Textbook summaries
  • Papers
  • Essays
  • Manuals
  • Course notes
  • Class notes
  • Judgments

Stuvia review: sell your notes

Keep in mind that Stuvia has some rules about what you cannot sell.

Prohibited items include:

  • Old exams
  • PowerPoints
  • Published scientific articles
  • Scanned books

As a side note, you keep the rights to your original notes. With that, you can choose to list the notes on multiple platforms. The exception to this rights rule is flashcards—Stuvia claims ownership rights to flashcards you make and post on the site.

Stuvia review: how to upload your items

Set Your Own Price

When selling study materials, you can set your own price. Not only can you set prices for single documents, but you can also make package deals with discounts to draw in potential customers. The minimum price you can set is $2.50.

With $3 million paid out to sellers in 2022, it’s clear that there is potential to earn an income from your study materials.

As buyers purchase your study materials, the funds are transferred into your Stuvia account immediately. Stuvia is a global company, and after you earn over 10 Euros, you can cash out. (As of this writing, 10 Euros is around $11.)

The company uses Tipalti to cash out your funds. When you make a cash out request, these are processed every Monday. With that, it can take around a week for you to receive your funds in your bank account.

Passive Income Potential

When you post your study materials to Stuvia, you are setting up a passive income stream. If your study materials are popular, you’ll earn money each and every time the item is sold. On average, sellers see their first sale within three days

If you are already creating notes, posting them to Stuvia could be a natural way to monetize.

Average Monthly Earnings

Average Earning Per Sale

Average Documents Sold Each Month





Are There Any Fees?

As the seller, you’ll get to keep most of the sale price. However, Stuvia will take a 30% commission on any money you earn. Since you can set your own sale price, you’ll get to decide how much you earn from each sale.

How Do I Contact Stuvia?

You can get in touch with Stuvia through live chat, Facebook, and email at [email protected]. Based on the positive Trustpilot reviews, it’s reasonable to expect a good experience when you work with Stuvia.

How Does Stuvia Compare?

Stuvia is one platform that can help you monetize your notes. But it’s not the only option.

OneClass is a platform that will pay you for your class notes. Unlike Stuvia, you can get paid a one-time fee for comprehensive class notes. But OneClass also allows you to post your notes. If someone purchases your notes, you’ll get a percentage of the subscription sale.

Nexus Notes is another platform that will pay you for original notes. With Nexus Notes, you won’t have an opportunity to set your own price. Instead, you’ll earn a percentage of the subscription sale generated by your documents.

Stuvia Comparison

Stuvia Comparison: Nexus Notes

Stuvia Comparison: OneClass


Average Author Pay

$76 per month (per year = $912)

Less than $1,000 per year

$470 per course

Pricing Structure

You set your price but Stuvia takes 30% commission

Earn a percentage of subscription sale from your notes

Flat fee, or percentage of subscription sale each time someone buys your notes

Cost For Note Buyers

Stuvia takes 30%

Annual Plan: $71.88

Monthly Plan: $29.99/month

Homework+: $2 CAD

Class+: $8 CAD

Grade+: $10 CAD


How Do I Open An Account?

If you are ready to work with Stuvia, the process starts by indicating what kind of materials you want to upload.

You can choose from exams, a college course, or a high school subject. Regardless of what you choose, Stuvia will ask for more information. For example, if you select a certification, you’ll need to share what kind of exam, like a CPA or TOEFL.

Next, you can upload your study materials. Keep in mind that the file size should be less than 60MB. With the documents uploaded, you’ll need to provide a description of the materials. More details tend to entice potential buyers. After you complete the information, you can publish your first listing.

Finally, Stuvia will ask for basic information like your email address and prompt you to create a password. When you earn money, you’ll be prompted to link your payment information through Tipalti.

Is It Safe And Secure?

Stuvia is a legitimate website that has built a reputation for connecting buyers and sellers to helpful study materials.

In terms of money details, Stuvia itself doesn’t ask for any financial information. Instead, you’ll provide your payment details to a Tipalti, which is a third-party that handles payment processing.

Is It Worth It?

Stuvia offers an interesting opportunity to turn your study materials into a passive income stream. While you might not earn thousands from the site, a little bit of money can go a long way to fund your college lifestyle.

If you are a high-performing student that already takes amazing notes, then it won’t take too much time to upload your materials to Stuvia. You might be able to turn those notes into cash. If you aren’t committed to note taking, adding a financial incentive could push you to take your study materials more seriously.

For some college students, uploading study materials is a no-brainer. But if you aren’t interested in this angle, consider one of the many other ways you can earn money while in college.

Stuvia Features


Marketplace that allows college students to earn money for uploading their note and study materials.

Eligible Uploads

  • Summaries
  • College notes
  • Assignments
  • Textbook summaries
  • Papers
  • Essays
  • Manuals
  • Course notes
  • Class notes
  • Judgments

Non-Eligible Uploads

  • Old exams
  • PowerPoints
  • Published scientific articles
  • Scanned books

Note Format Requirement


Average Author Earnings

  • Average monthly earnings are $76 per month
  • The average earning per sale is $4

Earning Structure

You set your own prices

Stuvia Commission (Fees)

30% of each sale

Minimum Price You Can Set


Payout Platform


Payout Minimum

10 Euros (or around $11)

Customer Service

Mobile App Availability


Web/Desktop Account Access




Editor: Claire Tak Reviewed by: Robert Farrington

The post Stuvia Review: Set Your Own Price To Sell Your College Notes appeared first on The College Investor.



By: Sarah Sharkey
Title: Stuvia Review: Set Your Own Price To Sell Your College Notes
Sourced From: thecollegeinvestor.com/42431/stuvia-review/
Published Date: Tue, 09 May 2023 07:15:00 +0000

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