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AUD Lacks a Clear Direction for February 13th, 2024


AUD/USD analysis today

The AUD/USD pair is yet to establish a definitive movement direction.

The Australian dollar, when paired with the US dollar, continues to maintain a sense of uncertainty. The current AUD/USD exchange rate is at 0.6520.

Today's data suggests an improvement in business conditions in Australia, with consumer confidence reaching a 20-month high. January's NAB business environment index recorded 6 points, falling below the long-term average. Business confidence displayed improvement, reaching 1 point compared to its previous value of zero.

While market expectations lean towards sustained high-interest rates for the majority of the year, concerns persist regarding potential price pressures amid significant global uncertainty.

Observations from Westpac indicate that consumer sentiments have stabilized, with the indicator rising to 86 points. However, for a confirmed shift to robust optimism, it must surpass the 100-point threshold.

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The post AUD Experiences a Lack of Clear Direction: Overview for February 13, 2024 appeared first at R Blog - RoboForex.



By: Anna Rostova
Title: AUD Experiences a Lack of Clear Direction: Overview for February 13, 2024
Sourced From: blog.roboforex.com/blog/2024/02/13/aud-experiences-a-lack-of-clear-direction-overview-for-february-13-2024/
Published Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:38:34 +0000

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