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How To Save $10,000 FAST

how to save money faster

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In this video I discuss how to save $10,000 fast. We go over the best money saving strategies to make this goal happen!

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Thank you to Josh Becker for inspiration for this video!


? Download the budget & expenses tracker or the net worth tracker I created
Free Budget & Expenses tracker: https://bit.ly/3aTYOrJ
Free Net Worth Tracker: https://bit.ly/2U5UOOR


? For other resources, check out my website


About ME:
Hello! My name is Erika Kullberg. I'm a lawyer by profession, but my passion is personal finance. After I graduated, I had over $200,000 of student debt, so I made it my mission to dive into everything personal finance-related, so I could equip myself with the tools to pay off the student loans as quickly as possible. I ended up paying them off in under 2 years, and now it's my passion project to share with you all of the strategies I've used to pay off my student loans, increase my net worth, credit card hack (travel on points), invest, house hack (invest in real estate), build passive income streams, and more. I hope you'll join me on the channel!

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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Although I am a lawyer by profession, I am not your lawyer and no attorney-client relationship is established with you in any way. This video, and the ideas presented in it, are for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as financial or legal advice.


By: Erika Kullberg
Title: How To Save $10,000 FAST
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRACzwzZbqI

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