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Money & Investing Pitfalls To Avoid


Ep 31 - Erin Lowry, AKA The Broke Millennial, and I join forces today to give you money and personal finance tips to apply to your life immediately; whether you’re in your early 20s or late 40s, have children or not, you have debt or you live a debt-free life. We discuss essential money conversations everyone should be having and discuss different options to start investing. Erin also shares her biggest money mistakes and it will definitely make you feel better to know that even personal finance experts have had to forgive themselves for past money mistakes.

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00:00 - Intro
01:23 - The money conversations we should be having
08:11 - Setting money boundaries with your friends
13:53 - Erin's money regrets from her 20s
16:46 - Erin's financial tips for everyone
18:37 - Money conversations at work
29:51 - Other conversations we should be having at the workplace and how to negotiate a raise
33:54 - Money conversations freelancers and self-employed people should be having
38:02 - Erin's best financial advice: investing for retirement
44:32 - Target day funds: what are they and how do they work?
48:43 - More investing advice
55:12 - Biggest money mistakes people are making
59:25 - How to talk to the children around you about money
01:01:53 - Erin Taught Me



By: Erika Kullberg
Title: Money & Investing Pitfalls To Avoid
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnhoTW0ED0I

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