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The long-term investor mindset: Crash now and become a millionaire later


There are lots of really smart people who will give you really smart reasons why the market is going to crash. Tariffs, trade wars, overvaluation, cape ratios, inflation, interest rates, recessions, inverted yield curves, global unrest, etc. All SORTS of scary sounding stuff. Meanwhile, anyone who claims the market is going to keep marching upwards despite all that scary stuff sounds totally naive and ignorant.

That’s why when you turn on any sort of stock market news you’ll find experts talking about all of that scary stuff and the carnage that is certainly on its way in the near future. When the market DOES eventually see a downturn (like we’ve seen so far this year), it’s headline news and all the buzz on social media.

But meanwhile, something more basic is going on. In the face of all the doom and gloom speculation, the companies of the world are continuing to do business. They’re selling stuff. We’re all buying stuff. They innovate, hire, grow, and profit. Owning a share of those companies will result in sharing in that profit and growth. In the short term, for sure, you may experience some short term volatility based on all those scary reasons above. But as the years and decades pass, owning the businesses of the world in the form of stocks or index funds will make you wealthy.

I absolutely do not know what is going to happen the rest of the year. We could see the market drop a lot more. Or today may be the lowest the market will ever be again for the rest of your life. But what I’m sure of is this. We will see record stock market highs again. It might be this year, next year, or in a few years. But it will happen. So now, while we’re below that level is the best time to buy and hold so you can ride your investments back up to the future market highs!

Ignore the doom and gloom noise and speculation. Spend less than you make. Invest the difference. Stay the course for decades and boom, you’re rich.

As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.‎




By: Gabriela Gonzalez
Title: Crash now, millionaire later: the long-term investor’s mindset
Sourced From: www.personalfinanceclub.com/crash-now-millionaire-later-the-long-term-investors-mindset/
Published Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 02:52:57 +0000

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